Monday, November 30, 2009

Does nature, force, or will give us motion of our living bodies?

Aristotle believed it was one of the three.

The sun, stars, and moon are all in motion and bodies moved by nature travel either downwards owing to their weight or upwards owing to their lightness but what is the case with heavenly bodies? Neither?

It is said that heavenly bodies motion is revolution in a circle, that their movement is voluntary for what stronger force compels them to travel in a manner contrary to their nature? What do you believe?Does nature, force, or will give us motion of our living bodies?
AS for heavenly bodies, they were set in motion by the initial explosion of creation. (big bang) . We haven't been observing the stars long enough to tell if they are slowly succumbing to entropy ,and will eventually slow down, stop, and collapse back into a singularity, but that is one theory. If not , it could be said that the WILL of God may be the energy input that keeps the universe from winding down.

As for our individual bodies, I believe it is our soul which animates our bodies by force of will. I have to will my arm to move, before the brain can send a signal to the muscle to make it move.Does nature, force, or will give us motion of our living bodies?
For every action (force) there is an equal and opposite action. A body at rest tends to stay at rest while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.

I think Newton explained it quite well.
Questions like this can never be decided until the various terms have been properly defined - otherwise we won't know what we're talking about.
God gave us a soul, which powers the body.

A body without a soul, is motionless
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