Monday, November 30, 2009

What appeals to you most - living nature or stones and rocks?

Living rocks and stones.

The ones by the beach 'sing' to my friend...What appeals to you most - living nature or stones and rocks?
both. coz they prove that there are living and not, bad and good, beatiful and not, happy moments and trails...

in short-- balanceWhat appeals to you most - living nature or stones and rocks?
I recently moved to a very green city and found the beauty of having living nature around you. Howevr, I always had a thing about rocks and rocky landscapes, so I say rocks and stones.
Who says stones and rocks are not a part of living nature ? The Stones Rock!!

Well alright.

.. but because they are inanimate, sturdy and reliable they are home to thousands. millions of bacteria, shelter to humans as well as animals. They provide highways and walls and weaponry and keep safe our precious metals and gemstones. I have list and lists of the uses for stones and rocks. Without rock and stone the world would be soft and porous, unable to sustain the winds and the water and the assaults of nature. I think we undervalue our world, our home. I am happy to say I have been called a rock. I considered it a complement.
living nature
Nature is beautiful, but animals touch the heart with their love, their humor, and their pranks.
All things in creation both animate and inanimate are beautiful. Each has its place in the universe.
its a pretty irrelevant question....
Perhaps some tests made by shrinks find relevant the answer.

I think I preffer a combination of stones and living nature. But if I have to choose, I would like better living nature , because is , in fact, earth and stone evolved, isn't it?

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