Monday, November 30, 2009

How can we stop any individual or monitor their bahavior the abuse of any nature or living things?

Shades of 1984! You can do it by assigning everyone a big brother to monitor their behavior either personally or electronically. You can do it by setting up a network of spies and informants. You can do it by having an instantaneous death sentence for everyone found abusing.

Who'd want to live in such a world.

The truth is, you can never do it because you are ignoring or trying to abolish human nature.

By the way, who watches the watchers?How can we stop any individual or monitor their bahavior the abuse of any nature or living things?
I'm curious as to why you would want to? If you fear the people of the world then why not just stay away. No one likes to be in a cage and to me being monitored all the time you would be in a cage whether the physical boundries are there or not...

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