Monday, November 30, 2009

Living things existing on the earth, not in the moon? How long we can live in the moon without nature?

Humans? not at all for many many reasons (unless we take everything there) - however, bacteria is perhaps possible... Astronauts on Apollo 12 retrieved the Surveyor 3 spacecraft that had been sitting on the Moon for 31 months. It had not been sterilized prior to launch and when returned to Earth for examination, scientists found a small amount of 'Streptococcus mitis'. It is possible it was contaminated here once it was returned - and it is possible it survived for that long on the Moon. I've seen reports both ways...Living things existing on the earth, not in the moon? How long we can live in the moon without nature?
By taking all the things we need with us. Air, Water, Food, and so on.Living things existing on the earth, not in the moon? How long we can live in the moon without nature?
Who says that we will even live on the moon it may be Mars.

If we should happen to live on the moon one day we will build bio domes with artificial light so plants will be-able to grow on the moon,and also animals will be there as well.

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