Thursday, December 10, 2009

Euthanasia: to live beyond nature or to die with dignity?

It's an important question to ponder as the largest generation in our history are becoming the largest senior citizens population in the world. Technology can take over our natural body functions as they fail but should we let the body fail? Longevity or Quality?Euthanasia: to live beyond nature or to die with dignity?
I vote for quality of life!!! Who wants to be living just to be dependent on someone else for every breath or not even know your breathing. I think Dr. Karvorkian had the right idea. Death with dignity is a treasure. We treat animals better in their later years than we do human beings. As a retired nurse, I can tell you there are alot of things worse than dying. God is good. Thanks for asking this question.Euthanasia: to live beyond nature or to die with dignity?
A truly very profound question indeed. I don't mean to go off the wall here and get people bent out of shape on their beliefs, but modern technology has left us in a great dilema. We do keep older people alive and abort babies. Never did make any sense to me, but we sure are paying for all this mess today. Social Security leads the parade with a cast of thousands more.
Quality!!! I have watched people die of cancer, loved ones, friends, etc. There is no reason people should have to suffer in pain, alive only by machines, just simply ';to be here';. In the event, the person is alert, some effort should be taken to help them if that is their wish, but the majority are just laying in pain, sick, and wanting to die and get it over with.

My view changed greatly on this one. I never believe even in euthanasia for animals years ago, I thought no one should play God and end a life. BUT then I got cancer, got sick, and knew how bad pain can be. yes, I survived but I watched others die in pain, crying out for help, only there was no higher pain meds to help them. They were going to die no matter what, so why not let them die with dignity.

I know now that if I get that bad, I want out, an overdose or something but I don't want to feel pain that bad ever again.
Quality. I don't want to live in the state most of our elder people are forced to live in. I want to live a long full life and when the end comes I want God to handle it.
The problem with the euthanasia debate is the sinister motives of the pro-euthanasia side. They aren't interested in a person's right to die with dignity. What they are after is the wholesale disposal of the aged and sick. This is similar to the pro-abortion crowd. The POINT of their positions is the systematic devaluation of human life.

They are evil and should be resisted no matter how you feel personally about a person's right to chose to die.
Quality. What is quantity without quality? It is one thing to be helped by science, but it is another to play GOD. When it's our time to go, it's our time.
its the body nature to fail. we can do nothing about it.

I would choose qulity rather than longevity. I don't like t live without dignity.
In my opinion I don't think there is anything wrong with euthanasia. What kind of life can someone really have by having machines and feeding tubes keeping them alive? I'm all about the quality of life...longevity means nothing if you can't enjoy it.
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