Thursday, December 3, 2009

Topics related to 'Living in harmony with nature'?

So are you saying that homosexuality is unnatural? (You did post this in the LGBT section)

Homosexuality is seen in several animal species. These homosexual animals have complete homosexual tendencies and refuse to have any sexual contact with the oppposite sex even when they are in heat.

People say that they are just animals and they don't know any better. But it's like this for those people: They say that homosexuality is unnatural because humans are the only species to practice it. But when I explain how that is not true and there are animals with homosexual tendencies, they quickly contradict themselves and say that they are just animals and they don't know what they are doing.

Funny how homophobia works huh??

Anyways, these homosexual animals do everything that homosexual humans do. The straight animals do everything that straight humans, do. So saying that homosexual animals are not proof homosexuality is natural is the same as saying straight animals are not proof that being straight is natural.

These homosexual animals have been known to form long lasting (sometimes lifelong) relationships with each other, which disavows the arguement that they are just getting together for a brief sexual encounter.

Here is a link to a video made by a scientist who studies animal sexuality and what he has to say about homosexual animals:鈥?/a>

There are some things that animals do that we humans would be wrong to do. What I'm saying here is, homosexuality in animals isn't one of those things anymore than heterosexuality in animals is one of those things.Topics related to 'Living in harmony with nature'?
i love the idea, but what are you asking for?

do you want to know why to do it, how to where to go?

or do you just want to discuss how living in harmony with nature can improve ones life?

please elaborate=]

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