Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How do we live to be in complete alignment with nature?

We could be hunter-gatherers. How do we live to be in complete alignment with nature?
Die. Death is the only way to be in complete alignment with nature. In our human forms we are antagonists. We rape the land, kill the animals, destroy and usurp. While some may argue that we (as humans) are just a cog doing our part in thinning the herds, ultimately we are doing more than living in concert with, sharing with, taking only what we need and respecting the land. We are destroying. So therefore death is the ultimate selfless act to give back to nature. We stop destroying and our elements return to nature to give it what we could not while we lived.

It is possible to be alive and in complete alignment. But in this modern world you would have to live in a very remote area, ';no boat, no lights, no cars, not a single luxury, like Robinson Caruso as primitive as can be.'; See Gilligan did have it right!How do we live to be in complete alignment with nature?
Take out of nature no more than nature can naturally replace in a given period, in terms of food and resources.

Don't kill an animal unless you intend to eat it, etc.

In terms of lifestyle I'd say back to basics. A lot of life has become computerized and mechanized.

Why play a tennis game on a game console when you can play tennis in real life?

Also stop growing food with a lot of genetically engineered trash and chemicals to speed up the growth process, etc.

Stop pumping hormones into the cows.

Basically just stop messing with the natural order of things.
Which definition of ';nature'; are you refering to?

1. physical world: the physical world including all natural phenomena and living things

2. na·ture


forces controlling physical world: the forces and processes collectively that control the phenomena of the physical world independently of human volition or intervention, sometimes personified as a woman called “Mother Nature”

3. countryside: the countryside or the environment in a condition relatively unaffected by human activity or as the home of living creatures other than human beings

4. type: a type or sort of thing

a detective novel or something of that nature

5. intrinsic character of person or thing: the intrinsic or essential character of somebody or something

It’s not in her nature to be spiteful.

6. temperament: disposition or temperament in a person

It’s just not part of his nature to act unkindly.

7. real appearance or aspect: the appearance or aspect of a person, place, or thing that is considered to reflect reality

The portrait was remarkably true to nature.

8. primitive existence: a basic state of existence, untouched and uninfluenced by civilization

9. religion natural state of humankind: the natural and original condition of humankind, as distinguished from a state of grace

10. universal human behavior: the patterns of behavior or the moral standards that are considered to be universally found and recognized among human beings

11. genetic material affecting organism: the inherited genetic material that partly determines the behavior, character, and structure of an organism, as opposed to what is learned from experience or the environment

nature versus nurture

Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2003. © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

I guess by respecting it, protecting it and learning not to take from it more than we need! People make a waste of natural goods nowadays and for what? We should have more respect for nature, because we take our life from it. People should understand that nature is not there only for taking, but also for giving back.

No, we can't give up technology just like that, because a lot of people depend on it, but we can improve it so that it pollutes less, and use it only if absolutely necessary.
Do we need to be? Eventually nature conforms. And I don't buy this whole corporate, anti-tech rhetoric - so that the benefits of Science remain limited to a few rich countries. Humans are still too minute a part of Gaia to really affect things like climate change. Just look at how blue the Globe is. The Oceans are the real deciders of the planet's fate. Not its puny civilisations.
By honoring the cycle of the earth, and keeping with the Teachings of the Gods with us every second of every minute of every hour of every day of our lives. By respecting the Earth from which we have all come from, and respecting the Sky that continues to bring us life.

Hail the Aesir and the Vanir.
Not possible is absolute senses (Complete!), because the nature is ever changing. In practical sense, it is the balancing between the needs of your self and others (including) nature, on the give and take principles.

a very good question. lot of youngsters should read this answer and learn how to live properly.

we should live in such a way that we do not harm any person

or thing and we keep the surroundings clean the way it was when we entered this world.

this is true alignment to nature. this is achieved by doing good and being good.
thats impossible when everybody relies on cars to get their lazy butts everywhere, cell phones since theyll die if they dont tallk to their best friend. or the newest clothes since they look stupid if they dont get that new abercrombie and fitch shirt. get my drift?
We would leave our cities and depend on nature for our food, shelter and clothing needs. We would actually be a part of nature rather than consumers of nature.
Get rid of ALL, and I mean ABSOLUTELY ALL, technology, and just accept that 90% of the Earth's population will die of hunger.
To live in complete alignment with nature, we should stop interfering with nature.
By understanding nature instead of discrediting it as something some imaginary friend invented.
Look up the field of biomimicry, it is pretty interesting.
First you need a personal relationship with the Creator, then the rest will fall into place
You are right now. Whether you like it or not.

You don't have the ability to exist outside of ';nature';
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