Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What is the state of nature? Does anyone live there today?

...What is the state of nature? Does anyone live there today?
EVERYBODY lives in a state of nature. There's nothing in the universe that is not part of the natural process and that includes humans. So whenever someone says to me ';that's not natural,'; I really have no clue what they're talking about. Everything is part of nature and nothing we do, whether its homosexuality, makeup, waxing, deoderant, can ever be apart from the natural process.What is the state of nature? Does anyone live there today?
There are places in India where tribals live as one with the nature. Andaman and Nicobar islands inhabits many tribes which are still untouched by modernity and get all they want directly from mother nature.
The state of nature is a romantic conception of the primoridal being of humanity. It was used by modern philosophers, such a Rouseau, as a means to explicate and justify their social theories. Not only does not one live there today, no one has ever lived there, as it is a construct of the mind, not a place or condition that actually exists or existed.
Most think like the above. I think they better take a better look.
no. nature is destroyed!
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